Ancillary Meetings
The ISSCR welcomes partners and members of the stem cell community to schedule a function during the ISSCR 2025 Annual Meeting in Hong Kong by completing the Ancillary Meeting Request Form linked below.
A function is defined as any non-ISSCR-sponsored meeting, workshop, hospitality, or social event being held during the ISSCR 2025 Annual Meeting that is not an educational event. Even if the function does not require meeting space provided by the ISSCR, the ISSCR still requires that they be kept informed of all events happening in conjunction with ISSCR 2025 by the organizer’s submission of the request form. Functions must not conflict with the ISSCR event(s) listed under Guidelines for Meeting Arrangements.
Guidelines for Meeting Arrangements
The last day to submit ancillary meeting request forms that require space provided by the ISSCR is Wednesday, 30 April 2025. For all other/offsite events, the deadline is Monday, 2 June 2025.
The ISSCR will not grant approval or release meeting space for events that conflict with the following planned event(s):
Wednesday, 11 June from 5:45 PM – 7:45 PM (Opening Reception)
The ISSCR reserves the right to honor or refuse meeting space requests.
Should your function require meeting space provided by the ISSCR, please allow 7-10 business days after submitting the form above for notification by the ISSCR of approval of meeting space.
For all events, if applicable, please include a copy of your event invitation with the completed request form.
After your meeting/event is held, ISSCR asks that you please share your final attendance count and total amount spent in USD. The ISSCR will contact you after the meeting to obtain this information.
Ancillary Meetings in ISSCR-provided Venue Space
The ISSCR has limited space available at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) and only during the meeting dates of 11-14 June 2025.
The ISSCR will try to accommodate space requests at the convention center on a first come, first served basis, based on availability and approval. Events cannot be held in the HKCEC outside the hours of the ISSCR program each day.
If approved, an administrative fee of $250 USD will apply so long as the request is submitted before the 30 April 2025 deadline. Any requests that come in after this date will be subject to a $350 USD administrative fee if approved.
All approved requests are subject to space availability. The ISSCR cannot guarantee the availability of your preferred (or alternate) dates/times and may make alternative recommendations based on available space and prior confirmed ancillary events.
If your meeting requires catering and/or audio-visual equipment, ISSCR staff will put you in direct contact with ISSCR vendors for arrangements and billing. These services are not included in the space rental and the ISSCR will not organize these elements on your behalf.
Any last-minute requests for meeting space that are made onsite between 11-14 June 2025 are not guaranteed and subject to availability. Audio visual and catering services will not be available for last-minute, onsite requests for meeting space.
Questions about hosting an ancillary meeting at ISSCR 2025? Please email ISSCR at isscr@isscr.org and a member of the Meetings Team will get back to you.