Concurrent Track: Clinical Applications

Highlighting cellular therapy and tissue engineering research advancing toward the clinic; examining manufacturing challenges, upscaling processes, and providing updates on ongoing clinical trials.

Organized by: Takanori Takebe, MD, PhD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, USA, and Osaka University and Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan, and Alessandro Aiuti, MD, PhD, San Raffaele Hospital, Italy

*Additional invited and abstract-selected speakers to be determined. Session descriptions and titles may change slightly.

Revolutionizing Therapies for Genetic Diseases

Michael Pepper, MBChB, MD, PhD, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Claire Booth, PhD, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UK

Building an Enhanced Immune System to Fight Disease

Megan Levings, PhD, BC Children's Hospital Research Institute and University of British Columbia, Canada
Sonja Schrepfer, MD, PhD, Sana Biotechnology, USA

Clinical Translation of Bioengineered Tissue-based Therapeutics

Sponsored by Novo Nordisk
Ryuichi Okamoto, MD, PhD, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
Xin Cheng, PhD, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, China

Expanding Therapeutics Through Stem Cells and Reprogramming

Pentao Liu, PhD, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Maria Pia Cosma, PhD
, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Spain

Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery

Exploring advances in using stem cells, both in vivo and in vitro, to model development and disease, with applications to drug discovery and therapeutic development.

Organized by: Kristen C. Sadler Edepli, PhD, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, Stanford University, USA

*Additional invited and abstract-selected speakers to be determined. Session descriptions and titles may change slightly.

Stem Cells in Drug Discovery: From Concept to Application 

Sponsored by:

Paul D. Pang, PhD, Greenstone Biosciences, USA
Benedetta Artegiani, PhD and Delilah Hendriks, PhD, Princess Maxima Center, Netherlands

Insights into Disease Mechanisms from Stem Cell Research 

Valerie Gouon-Evans, PhD, PharmD, Boston University, CReM, USA
Thomas Eschenhagen, MD, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany

Stem Cells and Infectious Disease 

Sina Bartfeld, PhD, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Kazuo Takayama, PhD, Kyoto University, Japan

Stem Cell Models of Tissue Injury and Repair

Sumru Bayin, PhD, The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
Patrick C. H. Hsieh, MD, PhD, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Global Stakeholder Initiatives

Exploring emerging issues in stem cell research and regenerative medicine by engaging stakeholders such as the scientific community, policymakers, and the public; addressing public policy, ethics, regulatory topics, and ISSCR Guidelines and Standards presented by members leading these initiatives.

Emerging Ethical Issues with Neural Organoids

Organized by the ISSCR Ethics Committee

Sergiu Pasca, MD, Stanford University, USA
Julian Savulescu, PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Paola Arlotta, PhD, Harvard University, USA
Kazuto Kato, PhD, Osaka University Medical School, Japan 

ISSCR Clinical Best Practices

Sponsored by WiCell

Manufacturing with Commercialization in Mind

Regulatory Fragmentation and Unproven Stem Cell Therapies: Beyond Harmonization

Organ Generation and Regeneration

Exploring research advances in stem cells and tissue biology relevant to normal organ formation, including experimental strategies for ex vivo organ engineering and in vivo replacement, and organ regeneration following injury or damage.

Organized by: Angela Wu, PhD, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, and Lygia de Veiga Pereira, PhD, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

*Additional invited and abstract-selected speakers to be determined. Session descriptions and titles may change slightly.

Animal Models of Regeneration 

Mayssa H. Mokalled, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Tatiana Sandoval-Guzmán, PhD, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

In Vivo and In Vitro Organ Generation 

Hiromitsu Nakauchi, MD, PhD, Stanford University, USA and Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
Liangxue Lai, PhD, Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Aging and Regeneration

Emi Nishimura, MD, PhD, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Anissa Widjaja, PhD, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore

Engineering Regeneration

Tae-Eun Park, PhD, UNIST, Korea
Linna Zhou, PhD, Nuffield Department of Medicine and Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK

Pluripotency and Development

Understanding pluripotency and lineage commitment; exploring embryo and organ development.

Organized by: Tina Mukherjee, PhD, Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, India, and Vivian Gama, PhD, Vanderbilt University, USA

*Additional invited and abstract-selected speakers to be determined. Session descriptions and titles may change slightly.

Metabolic Underpinnings of Stem Cells

Marlen Knobloch, PhD, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Qiurong Ding, PhD, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS, China 

Evolutionary Perspective of Development and Regeneration

Ayelet Voskoboynik, PhD, Stanford University, USA
Florian Raible, PhD, University of Vienna, Austria

Fate Choices in Development and Regeneration 

Jacob H. Hanna, MD, PhD, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Bhavana Muralidharan, PhD, Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, India

Technologies to Study Development and Physiology 

Nicolas Rivron, PhD. ENG. Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Austria
Alex Gould, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute, UK

Somatic Stem Cells and Cancer

Exploring somatic stem cell homeostasis and ageing, stem cell-niche interactions, and stem cells in cancer.

Organized by: Lijian Hui, PhD, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, China, and Richard J. Gilbertson, MD, PhD, CRUK Cambridge Institute, UK

*Additional invited and abstract-selected speakers to be determined. Session descriptions and titles may change slightly.

Niche Regulation in Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration 

Ya-Chieh Hsu, PhD, Harvard University, USA
Honglin Wang, PhD, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China

Metabolism, Stem Cells, and Cancer

Ton Rabelink, MD, PhD, Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Stephanie Ma, PhD, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 

AI and Cancer Evolution 

Jiguang Wang, PhD, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Nathan Palpant, PhD, The University of Queensland, Australia

Stem Cells and Cell Metastasis 

Eduard Batlle, PhD, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) & ICREA, Spain
Samra Turajlic, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute, UK